Frugal Friday: Saving Money Through Health
When people think about being frugal, often they think of spending less money, putting money in the bank and finding good deals. For today's frugal Friday's post I want to talk about a way of saving money that often we don't think about, but I think is one of the most important. I've alluded to this idea in several other similar themed posts, but today I just want to focus on the topic of saving money through health. It seems like the best payoffs and rewards don't come immediately, but come over time, with years of effort and control. I think health is one of those things. When we are young, most of us are blessed with good health and an active life style. But as we age, we sometimes start to neglect our health. Eating things that we shouldn't, over-eating, stress, and a sedimentary lifestyle take their toll on our bodies and deteriorate our health. Doing this has serious consequences which cost money. Money that could have been saved if we had taken better car...